A gallery of pictures from the Goswami Yoga Institute. The folders contain examples of exercises, pictures from earlier seminars and a mix of photographs from the 1940’s and onwards.
The pictures have various photographic quality. Some are from private collections, others are taken by professional photographers.
Dynamic and static yogic body postures with mental control.
ChandrasanaBaddha Ardha MatsyendrasanaMatsyendrasanaBhunamanasanaUtthita ekahasta padashirasanaLolasanaKukkutasanaPasini mudraBhujangasanaUrdhva hasta padmasanaSirasanaHalasanaDhanurasanaPadaprasaranasanaGarudasanaBhadrasanaBaddha PadmasanaPristhasanaArdha Sirsasana BC, age 80Dvipadasana BC, age 80BahkasanaSarvangasana – StaticSarvangasana – DynamicArdha ChandrasanaMayurasana, BC approx. 30 yearsMayurasana, BC 91 years
Surya Namaskare
Breath Control.
Kapâlabhâti – Bastrikâ − Ujjayi (with chin-lock)
Purificatory exercices.
Nauli – Rare isolation on obliquus abdominisNauli – Higher isolation on rectus abdominisVasa dhauti – With gauze bandageVasa dhauti – With cotton ropeNeti
This photo gallery is dedicated to Dinabandhu Pramanick, Sri Gswami’s closest disciple. He was a model of self-discipline and faithfulness, an accomplished Hatha Yogi with outstanding control over his body and its most intimate functions. Sustaining strict celibacy throughout a life he mainly spent by the side of his beloved guru, Dinabandhu Pramanick dedicated all of his time and energy to being a model of discipleship. The skilled yogi came to play a pivotal role in demonstrating Hatha Yoga’s high credentials as a pragmatic philosophy.
His life can honestly be described as that of someone who, in utmost modesty, reached the highest ideal in life, the ideal of a radiant, enduring human being, pure and vital – a deva deha in yogic parlance.
Padmasana – ConcentrationSahita prânayâmaPectoralis MajorMahâvira carrying th Gandhamâdana mountainPadma sirâsanâThe dance of ShivaKrishna playing on his divine fluteKrishna holding the Govardhana rock
Illustrations of the Chakra System
These multicolor pictures are selected from the book Layayoga:The Complete Guide to the Chakras and Kundalini by Sri Shyam Sundar Goswami.
Mulâdhâra ChakraSwâdhishthâna ChakraManipura ChakraHrit ChakraAnâhata ChakraWishuddha ChakraÂjñä ChakraGuru ChakraSahasrâra Chakra
Newspaper Articles
This is a collection of newspaper articles which drew attention to the tours, lectures and demonstrations conducted by Yoga pioneering Shyam Sundar Goswami and his closest disciple Dinabandhu Pramanick between 1949-1954.
Sri Goswami’s father Jatindra Mohan GoswamiSri Goswami demonstrating physical strengthSri Goswami demonstrating physical strengthSantipur welcome committee (Sri Goswami’s last trip to India)The Original Goswami Yoga Institute in Santipur, IndiaMeeting with Bernard McFaddenMeeting with William K KelloggSri Goswami and Basile P. Catoméris with his sonBasile P. Catoméris lectures at the Stockholm UniverityAsanas class in Stockholm in the 1950’sYoga demonstration in StockholmYoga postures from Addaura Caves approx. 10000 B.C.Sri Goswami on his 75th BirthdayThe Goswami’s ancestral house in Santipur, IndiaGuest-lecture by B. P. Catoméris at the Lonavla Institute i1981Ma Santi Devi granting diksha to Basile P. Catoméris, 1983Ma Santi Devi’s in Gurudham, Gopalpur, IndiaThe Sun Temple in Konârak, OrissaBasile P. Catoméris with Yogi Raj in VaranasiMeeting with Gitananda in Bangalore 1981Sri Goswami and a future Yogi?Meeting with Mother Theresa, Kolkata 1981Satsyang at Puri, India 1986Karin SchalanderMa Santi Devi’s grandchildrenMa Santi Devi’s SamadhiMa Santi Devi in Sweden, celebrating Sri Goswami’s 100th birthdayB. P. Catoméris with Dr. G. Feuerstein in California 2000Intervju with Georg Feuerstein 1998interview with B.P Catoméris in Sulaymanyah, Kurdistan 2006B. P. Catoméris with Yoga students in Sulaymanyah, Kurdistan 2007Sri Goswami’s samadhi in Gräsmark, SwedenKarin Schalander in memoriam, December 29th 2009
Basile P. Catoméris talks about yoga
Excerpts from New Realities Talk Show, New York City in January 2013. It was recorded in relation to the launching of ADVANCED HATHA YOGA by Shyam Sundar Goswami and FOUNDATIONS OF YOGA by Basile P. Catoméris.